Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Book Review: Let Him In by William Friend

First thing that attracted my attention was this stunning cover of the book. And then the blurb, of course. 

'Daddy, there’s a man in our room.'

Alfie's twin daughters tell him one day. Are they telling the truth or are they hallucinating or just making up stories in order to deal with grief and anxiety?

Let Him In by William Friend (Published by Poisoned Pen Press ―they publish wonderful mysteries) is the story of an old mysterious house ―Hart House, and of course, of the people who live and have lived (and died) in this house. It's about Sylvie and Cassia, 8 yo twin sisters who talk in unison, draw unbelievably similar sketches and who think there's a man (who can change various shapes) in the house. It's about Julia, the girls' aunt (their mother Pippa's twin sister) ―a psychologist; and Alfie, the girls' daddy who is mourning his wife Pippa's death struggling to raise his children alone. It's about unexplained smells, voices and visions. That eerie sense that someone might be around. 

Sometimes you connect with the narrative (and characters) so well that even slow-paced, descriptive writing style seems soothing. And it is a big plus point for me, as a reader. I connected with the characters, I felt for them. 

It's a very well written story, cleverly crafted. The writing is very engaging, language crisp, and sometimes very beautiful. It creates vivid imagery. The author has blended the paranormal elements and psychology so wonderfully that makes this story unpredictable and even more mysterious. Twists and turns keep you on tenterhooks.

Certain things/details felt unnecessary, as they don't add anything to the story. And certain things, especially the backstories seemed unresolved. I wanted to know more; things to be more clear. The ending, although unconventional and kind of open ended, is creepy. 

This story is unsettling but very engrossing. Thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'd like to read William Friend's next book. My favourite this year.

Thank you, Netgalley for the advance review copy.

Books 2023: What I liked (So Far) and My TBR List

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