Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Nutrition Drinks for Kids: Complan’s Role in Supporting Growth #63PercentMoreProtein

istock Courtney Hale

It's a truth universally acknowledged that when mothers get together, they mostly talk about their children. And one of the hottest topics is their children's eating habits and nutrition. Children must get a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and a small amount of healthy fats. 

A balanced diet will provide virtually all the nutrients that children need. Here are some nutrients that are most important for kids’ growth.

What nutrients are most important for kids’ growth (source)

  • Iron - This nutrient helps children make red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the body, and it helps them grow. Without it, they can get anaemia.

  • Vitamin D - This builds strong, healthy bones.

  • Calcium - It also builds strong bones, which store the nutrients for years.

  • Healthy fats - Good kind of fats are key for brain and nerve growth. They also help with healthy metabolism, and letting the body absorb vitamins.

  • Vitamin C - This nutrient helps kids build their immune systems, promotes healing from cuts and scrapes, and gets their bodies to absorb iron.

  • Proteins - It builds muscles and other tissues in kids’ bodies. Plus, it helps them boost their immune systems.

How can you ensure your kid is getting these nutrients?

Conversation with a Friend: Introducing Complan

My childhood friend and I met after a long time. Two giggling girls (a story for another time) were now young mothers. As the evening darkened outside, our conversations eventually meandered towards our children.

'She doesn't eat anything. She wouldn't even chew properly. Sometimes I have to grind her food in a mixer grinder,’ my friend said.

As clichéd as it may sound, it's the truth. There comes a phase in every mother's life when she struggles to feed her child because the child wouldn't eat anything. I have experienced this personally.

And that's so stressful because it happens at a certain age that's most crucial for children's physical and mental growth. 

Making use of Complan

'What do you do to compensate?’ I asked, looking at the petite little girl who was playing with the frills of her frock.

My friend replied, ‘I have started giving her a nutrition drink.’ 

'Which one?’

'Complan,’ she said. 

A smile played on my lips at the mention of the brand because that was probably the most popular brand we had heard of. I remembered the famous advertisement: 'I'm a Complan girl; I'm a Complan boy!’ featuring Shahid Kapur and Ayesha Takia.

'I did my research before choosing it. It's scientifically formulated,’ she said as though reading my mind.

She told me that Complan has 34 vital nutrients including 100% milk protein and it contains 63% more protein than other nutrition drinks. Complan is clinically proven to support 2x faster growth.

Complan Nutrition

‘And the taste?’

'She loves it!’ My friend added enthusiastically. ‘I add Complan to milk and she doesn't complain. I'm so relieved.’

Encourage Varied Food Choices

Children are rambunctious, so they need more energy. They are sometimes finicky. I remember the time when my son refused to eat anything. I would make different things but he wouldn't eat. I didn't want to waste food, so I ended up unnecessarily eating the leftovers.

They need something that tastes different from usual everyday meals. Nutritional drinks can make the milk tastier and healthier.

Conversation with a Neighbor: Exploring Nutrition Drink Options

Later on, I was talking to a neighbour. 

'Does your son drink milk?’ she asked. And I was a little surprised. I mean every child drinks milk.

'My daughter refuses to drink milk; says she doesn't like the taste. It's so difficult because milk is such a common and important part of a child's meal. I read somewhere that milk protein is important for kids.’ She informed me. And then I realized that not liking the taste of milk is not that uncommon. 

'I am planning to give her some nutrition drink, but don't know which one to choose. Adding a nutrition drink changes the taste of milk. So she might start drinking milk.’ She looked worried.

I checked the website of Complan before suggesting it. It was good to know that Complan has 34 vital nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins and fat, and is fortified with vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, and many more.

'I’m not sure about other drinks but Complan is a good option. You can easily add it to milk to enhance the taste. Tried and tested by my friend,’ I said.

Our child's nutrition, growth and development are extremely important, and to ensure that, we need to be extra careful about the meals we serve to our children.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complan.


  1. Great article—it's so true that moms always end up talking about their kids' eating habits!

  2. I'm always looking for ways to sneak more nutrients into my child's diet.

  3. Iron and vitamin D are super important—I never realized how much!

  4. Iron and vitamin D are super important—I never realized how much!

  5. Complan sounds like a great solution for picky eaters.

  6. I can totally relate to the struggle of getting kids to eat balanced meals.

  7. Thanks for the tips on essential nutrients for kids' growth!

  8. It's good to know that Complan is packed with vital nutrients.

  9. Healthy fats are so crucial for brain development—glad this article highlighted that.

  10. My son loves Complan too—such a relief for us moms!
