Monday, January 17, 2011

Friends forever

My first day in the boarding school.
Papa left me there...
... to follow so many rules.
How could he leave me there alone?
Had his heart become stone?

My timid heart felt...
... that was not fair,
I uttered a cry of despair.
Fat tears strolled down my cheek,
I badly missed my parents and felt weak.

“They” arrived and wiped my tears,
Squeezed my hands in assurance and…
Made me understand…
…there was nothing to fear.

When my parents could not come...
... to meet me,
To see my fellow cuddling...
 ...with their parents I felt pity.
A pang of isolation crept inside me,
I found solace in their amity.

We grew up together
Pitched into the group of teenagers.
Shared beautiful moments
Jumped with elation...
... on our achievements.

We always stood beside each other,
And babbled making a circle.
We shared secrets of each other and…
…talked in the language...
... of signs and symbols.

When I was ill and needed...
... a touch of affection
Their camaraderie provided me...
... a feel of satisfaction.
They cared for me...
... with utter keenness,
I can’t thank them enough...
... for their kindness.

Now, when in my life I’m established
Memories of my friends I still cherish.
Maybe the love and care is now invisible
But the bond of friendship is loyal.
They are indeed the real gem,
That’s how I remember them…….

Prompts@: Theme Thursday (Jump)
Carry on tuesday (That's how I remember them)
Sunday scribblings (Invisible)
Also Linked to: One Single Impression


  1. Some of our most lasting friendships are forged at school. It is when you strike out on your own for the first time and make decisions not dictated by your parents. Great piece.

  2. It must have been so difficult, I'm so glad you had your friends, such a heartfelt poem :o)

  3. friendships are precious in many ways...

    amazing imagery.
    welcome to JP...


  4. Friendship forged in schooldays are so innocent, so pure that it is missed for the rest of life.

    A nice poem.

  5. A beautiful poem Tarang..and this reminds me of how I was separated from my parents since I started boarding in highschool till college...:)

    You have well said how one struggles to cope up with a new environment and gain friends at the same time...:)

    The actions of comfort from our parents and friends are enough assurance from them that they care for us so much...where language to express them is no longer needed...

    Action speaks louder than words so they say!

    Well done Tarang!

  6. Nice. It's a different language in boarding school and one starts enjoying speaking it :)

  7. It touches.. and I can see th eimages from my school days even after so many years.. Thanks Tarang..

  8. This is quite a beautiful poem and an amazing story.

  9. beautiful images and words!

  10. Oh I felt for the young student having to adjust to a new way of life. But from the sound of it, you did that very well. Lovely to have such happy memories of your school friendships.

  11. wonderful images and very well crafted words, make me stop and soak it in

  12. It is wonderful to feel such connections with one's friends. I think youth is the time to accomplish that kind of friendship is when one is young.......
