Thursday, April 21, 2011


                                Image Prompt@: Monday's Child

Donald was excited about the drama competition,
He was ready and practicing for the action.
He was supposed to play an angel,
Excitement was making him chuckle.
His mother ironed his designer costume,
Giving him tips to be groomed.
He cleansed himself thoroughly,
He was trying to be arty.
He was thrilled and nervous as well
Mother kneaded his hands in assurance…
…and encouraged him to excel.
Donald went to the school to participate,
Magnificence he wanted to create.
The hall was full of chaos and clamor,
The aura was glittering with glamour.
Delicacies were decorated on the table,
Colorful frothy cold drinks drizzled.
Refreshments were only for the participants,
That enhanced Donald’s excitement.
His enthusiasm instantly melted,
As he saw participants list, his name was deleted.
A blaring sound diverted his attention,
He was in utter confusion.
He was lying on his cozy bed,
The clock was screaming near his head.
He dreamt a dream!
But what can it mean?

Written for: 3WW
                       Magpie Tales
                        Sunday Scribblings
                       Carry on Tuesday


  1. Poor Donald..those stage-fright dreams are troubling..cute pic..Jae

  2. What a good mom...ironing his designer costume....I am sure he did a great job at school....thank you...bkm

  3. Thank you so much Steve & Signed...bkm:)

  4. Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.
