Saturday, September 2, 2023

Louisa Clark: Me Before You (and the sequels)

Yesterday, all of a sudden, Louisa Clark (the female protagonist of Me Before You, one of my favourite books) came to my mind.

What Louisa Clark was doing in Me Before You was not her dream job, of course. Her father lost his job and the responsibility of running the household fell on her shoulder. No matter how cheerful she appeared, she, obviously, felt restricted.

So, Will Traynor gave her father a job so that Clark could feel free and relieved. In the end, he gifted all his money to her so that she could do what she really wanted to do. Louisa, a bright and vivacious girl, made Will's dull and painful life a little tolerable during his last days. And he turned out to be a great motivator and supporter.

But I wonder what she did after Will Traynor.

I haven't read 'After You',  the second book in the series, because, well, Will Traynor (my favourite fictional character) is not there. So, I don't really know what Clark did in that book. But I bought Still Me, the third and probably last book in the series, because in this book, there's someone who is a Will Traynor lookalike (as the blurb suggests). 

However (and strangely) I couldn't go beyond 4-5 chapters, maybe. First of all, I didn't understand the need to make it a series. But anyway, what disappointed me was that Louisa Clark was still doing the same thing (Still me?). The same kind of job that she used to do in the first book, which she didn't earn but Nathan (the caregiver of Will Traynor) helped her find it.

I left the book unfinished. But I wonder what was the point? I bought another sequel to one of my favourite books but sadly, I couldn't finish that. Why do authors/publishers feel the need to write/publish sequels even if the first book is complete on its own? The only sequel I loved was Every Seventh Wave (sequel to Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer).

Maybe I missed something (as I haven't read the second book in the series)? Or something significant happens in the last instalment? 

Have you read Still Me?

This post is part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read the book. But watched the movie and I loved it. And I too used to wonder what she did after that....I didn't know there was a book. If I had known, I would have read the book first....Sorry did not read the three books.
