Thursday, July 12, 2012

Inspiration in life

I have known some people who struggled and succeeded in their careers despite deplorable financial and other difficult conditions. Many children are fortunate enough to get innumerable facilities. Some succeed using those amenities. Some just waste them. But some people do not depend on facilities for success. They are so focused, dedicated, bright and hopeful that success can’t refuse to embrace them. And these people set example in the society and can play inspiration for many struggling youngsters.

Many times we get inspired by some positive/inspiring words and thoughts. These words touch our hearts and help us to rejuvenate.

Loneliness gripped Vartika as she got married. Her husband was a busy man and usually seemed ignorant. In the course of fighting the boredom she discovered something new, hidden within. A desire to do something evolved as she recognized her writing ability. She wrote many poems, stories and articles and sent them to several magazines.

Her joy evaporated when her creations got rejected one by one. Disheartened, she started to lose zest and her interest in writing.

One day, when she was sad as she had just received a rejection letter, a ray of inspiration enlightened her. And that ray of inspiration was her husband. He patted her cheek and said “Don’t get disheartened. So what if some of your creations have got rejected? Don’t let anything discourage you. Don’t listen to anyone. Not even me, if I ever try to discourage you. Just trust your talent and never give up. Keep trying and keep writing. I’m sure one day your talent will flourish with flying colours.”

These affectionate words of inspiration touched Vartika’s heart and she started writing with refreshed energy. And her husband was right. One fine day, she saw her creations in a very prestigious magazine.
Life is full of inspirations and many times it gives you the opportunities to get inspired. You never know where you can get your inspiration from. Lots of creativity, positive attitude, inspiring words, inspiring incidents that make you more experienced, and much more…

But words of inspiration or inspiring incidents affect you when you have the courage and determination to get inspired. Above all, it’s your own experiences, positive thinking, hope, your courage to think that “Yes I can succeed”, your tendency to apply genuine effort make you a successful person.

This is my entry for Theme Thursday 

We writers can hugely get inspired by some really interesting prompt sites (Listed in the side bar of my blog), that help us to unlock our imagination and stir our thoughts. They provide us vision to think and write :)

You can also read a poem “Inspiration”


  1. Even the very best were usually rejected many times before someone decided to back them. Some very wise words here!

  2. We just need to make the best of what life has to offer :-)

  3. @ Kris: You're right! Thanks!:)

    @ Green Speck: Very well said!:)

  4. Loved your these lines the most:

    We writers can hugely get inspired by some really interesting prompt sites (Listed in the side bar of my blog), that help us to unlock our imagination and stir our thoughts. They provide us vision to think and write :)

    I completely agree with you!

  5. This is a wonderful story about how just one person's support can inspire someone to never give up. Sometimes when we think no one cares about what we are doing and wonder why we are even bothering to continue with our dreams, just out of nowhere someone will say words of encouragement and our whole attitude changes to one of hope.

    Thanks for writing such a great story and sharing it with us for this weeks Theme Thursday.

    God bless.

  6. @ Mrsupole: Thank you so much!:)

    @ Valli: Thank you!:)
